Sometimes it's nice to be a tourist without going too far! My girlboss friend Cathrine (who I have mentioned in several posts before) spent the day exploring Venice Beach, CA, with no particular plans. We meandered through alleyways, drooled over the canal homes, and ate some pretty yummy food.

Blue smoothie bowls at Great White
Exploring the canals

"Youth is in a grand flush, like the hot days of ending summer; and pleasant dreams thrall your spirit, like the smoky atmosphere that bathes the landscape of an August day."
- Donald G. Mitchell

"Summer is the annual permission slip to be lazy. To do nothing and have it count for something. To lie in the grass and count the stars. To sit on a branch and study the clouds."
- Regina Brett

Pizza + oysters at Rose Cafe

"Oh, the summer night, Has a smile of light, And she sits on a sapphire throne."
- Bryan Procter

I often complain about summer and Los Angeles, but days like these remind me of why so many people come from all over the world to visit places like Venice Beach. Despite the difficult parking, reckless driving and dry summer heat, I'm learning to find joy and comfort in the grit and beauty of this city.
Until next time,
Happy wandering!